She parades herself in borrowed gold
Borrowed clothes
Borrowed hair
Even borrowed joy
For the smile on her face will fade in time
When the strong wine wares off
She parades herself like a queen
But she is a scavenger inside out
Feeding on weakness and trust
Enriched by deception and pretense
She speaks in a mimicked voice
Aha! Her tongue is false
But sounds pleasant to fools and simple minds
For that which makes her seem pleasant to the eyes are not hers
She has no style of her own
She is just a copy of television characters
And she plays each role as it fits
Her time belongs to the highest bidder
Even her soul is sold out for riches
She parades in different flashy cars
She lays claim to no relationship
But has graced different deluxe suites
She counts borrowed riches all day
For even her earnings belong to her desires
The nights anticipate her drama
And she puts up a good show
She smells of wealth and arrogance
Spenders are keepers
And the rest, she steps on like roaches
Because somewhere
In an old licking hut
an old wretched father comforts an old dying wife
She hums a familiar lullaby amid shivers and tears
"I want to see my baby before I leave..."
But her last wish has been stolen by the sweet high life of society
Never to be reclaimed
© Kyng David. All rights reserved 2013