Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I'm in a race against the past
I have got to catch the future today
I let go of all the things that held me back
Not just my hands but mind on the mark
Faith for fear
Endurance for pain
Joy for tears
My mind is set

I will not loose

Yesterday is gone with its memories
Today is here with its hopes
My hands are made strong by my failures
I can't loose to this earth
Static earth...
I am the improved version of dust
I am master
This existence must obey my voice
Yesterday is gone with its loss
I may have lost but I learned in my fall
Patiently waiting for dawn while he slumbers deep from his victory celebration
Patiently waiting,
Today's victory is mine

Yesterday holds talks with today
The mistakes I showed him face me daily
I must put aside fear, unbelief and shame
I must keep my head up and look good for tomorrow
My failure gathers strength when today believes yesterday's report
My future is brighter when I can defeat yesterday
So, here we are at dawn's gate...
Sword in hand
Fear pulled to the ground
I am a victor not a victim
©Kyng David, All Rights Reserved, 2014.


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